Consent for Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
Sarah Robertson-Smith R.D.H.
Protecting the privacy of your personal information is a priority. Sarah is the privacy officer.
Policies and procedures are followed to ensure confidentiality and safe record keeping.
Storage, retention and destruction of your personal records comply with current legislation and laws in Ontario. This is outlined in the Personal Health Information Protection Act 2004, Regulated Health Professions Act, and guidelines set by the College Of Dental Hygienists Of Ontario.
Muskoka Gentle Dental is committed to protecting your personal information in a responsible and professional manner.
Generally your personal information is required to complete a full medical and dental history.
Your personal health information or dental hygiene assessment findings will Not be shared without your permission. (Unless you sign the General Release Statement – Long Term Care Facility)
The Clients’ confidentiality of records and services as well as their privacy are up held in a professional manner in accordance with the College of Dental Hygienists Of Ontario, and the Registered Dental Hygienist. Your information allows the Registered Dental Hygienist to:
- Provide safe dental hygiene care – formulation of treatment plans by reviewing your medical and dental history to understand your unique health needs.
- Self-initiation allows the R.D.H. to follow guidelines ensuring no contraindications exist in providing preventive care.
- To help understand important connections related to homecare skills/methods.
- To allow the R.D.H. to contact you.
- To complete and submit insurance claim forms
- To comply with the C.D.H.O. in case of professional audit.
- To collect unpaid accounts and to generally comply with the law